in partnership with
10.–19. December 2023
Open by appointment
Special event 15.12.2023, 18h
Artist in conversation with Nicole Sheyerer (in German)
We’re excited to present a big project that we’ve been working on for a long period of time - the book launch ‘Stagings’ by the renowned Croatian artist Lovro Artuković @lovroartukovic
Please join us for the book launch in Vienna and/or Zagreb as we celebrate Lovro Artuković’ oeuvre and many years of his notable work.
15 December at 18.00h
at DIT. Vienna @dit_vienna
Schleifmuhlgasse 1, 1040 Vienna
Lovro Artuković in conversation with art critic Nicole Scheyerer @nicolescheyerer
In German language
20 December at 18.00h
at Hrvatski državni arhiv, Velika čitaonica
Marulićev trg 21, 10 000 Zagreb
Lovro Artuković in conversation with curator Leonida Kovač @leonida.kovac
In Croatian language
These events are hosted in partnership with Verlag für moderne Kunst @vfmk_books and thanks to the generous support of private persons, Zagreb Tourist Board @zagrebtourist , Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia, Grand Park Hotel Rovinj, Adris Foundation, Gallery Trotoar Zagreb and Cerin Antonić Collection.
More info: @nomad_platform, @vfmk_books_goods/, @vanja_zanko_art_advisor
& to buy the book, visit the website of Verlag für moderne Kunst (click).