Art in media -
Out of the archive of museum in progress

by ‘and the editions’


1.12.2021 - 15.1.2022
Tue-Fri 11-18h, Sat 11-16h & by appointment

Art in media out of the archive of ‘museum in progress’ including 

John Baldessari, Thomas Bayrle, Douglas Gordon, Monahatoum, Mike Kelley, Paul McCarthy, Peter Kogler, Maria Lassnig, Christian Marclay, Yoko Ono, Rosemarie Trockel, Kara Walker, Lawrence Weiner, …

& the new edition by Beatriz Milhazes
published by museum in progress on the occasion of Milhazes' project for the Wiener Staatsoper

& the lastest and new publication
“museum in progress.
Art in public spaces and in media
edited and curated by Kaspar Mühlemann Hartl and Alois Herrmann, museum in progress, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König, Köln, 2021.

MORE @ ‘and the editions’ , museum in progress

Installation views &
1. Beatriz Milhazes, Pink Sunshine, 2021, Lithography, Ed 100, signed and numbered
2. museum in progress, art in public spaces and in media, In One End & Out The Other ( & Then Again), 2021,
Offset-Print, 24,5 x 17,5 cm / 195 pages, Verlag der Buchhaltung Walther König

3. Mona Hatoum, Interventionen in progress, 21.01.1998, Offset-Print / Newspaper Multiples, 62 x 46 cm, unlimited